Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Google Docs

I can see this type of technology being widely used in the educational setting as well as the coaching setting. On the educational side you can have as many individuals look/review/ or comment on a certain document needing additional feedback. This is a great incentive to have with others who work at the same school site or within a school district. This will be another innovated way to work collaboratively with one another. On the coaching side, I can see coaches sharing important information with the rest of their coaching staff. This can also provide an opportunity for professional scouts to check up on potential draft picks in terms of batting average, ERA, wins, loses, the possibilities are endless. What a great idea. I can't wait to share this information to additional baseball coaches around the valley about Google Docs!


  1. Great job coach. Way to break it down. And I agree this is going to change the way we do things unless the software companies come out with something big. I think gates has made enough money and is slacking. Microsoft hasn't been very innovative lately.

    For work, sports work, personal, and beyond google docs is legit. I will be using this in my future for sure. I am already using the family budget planner. take care and nice post.

  2. I agree with you that the instant feedback is a great feature with Google Docs. The collaboration that can take place in creating coaching plans or lesson plans has a huge upside. Coaches will have more of a buy in if they can help with designing a practice plan. Google Docs can help make that happen.

  3. Yes, I agree with all of you. I can see that this will be beneficial to both the men's and women's teams. We will be able to share information to 4 year Universities about our players. Their stats, profiles, and even pictures. This is such a cool site, I can't wait to get into it and get the others using it. Rebecca

  4. Like baseball coaches, I could see basketball diagraming plays on acual paper as oppossed to the nearest napkin or piece of scratch paper. It will also broaden the community of coaches. To be able to obtaininformation from coaches that you have never met or seen play will create a even greater network of communication and ideas.
